Business Informatics

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Business Informatics is a full-time study programme that focuses on delivering both theoretical and practical knowledge related to applying computer science methods and tools in management and business. Studies provide graduates with practical skills supporting business processes. Studying Business Informatics allows students to look at the IT industry from different perspectives and to gain analytical skills, flexibility, and self-fulfilment of tasks as business informatics professionals.

BI students and graduates easily find employment in the labour market dominated by the demand for digital competences and IT specialists. The field of Business Informatics is extremely popular and is chosen by candidates from all over the world.

Course leader:

dr Małgorzata Sobińska


Department of Business Intelligence in Management

Adiunkt, Menedżer kierunku Business Informatics,
block Z, room 706 and 714

Senat Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu wyraża zgodę na przyznanie uprawnień laureatom i finalistom olimpiad przedmiotowych przy ubieganiu się o przyjęcie na studia w latach 2019-2022 według konkretnych zasad.


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Student profiles

The graduate will have the skills to analyze and synthesize business problems, adapt to changing conditions, solve problems of implementing and using information and communication technologies (ICT), work in a project team, as well as the ability to learn and update knowledge. These skills will be acquired along with knowledge in the field of IT, management, accounting, finance, quantitative methods and economics.

Career prospects

  • Business Process Analyst
  • Database Designer
  • IT Specialist
  • IT Project Manager/ IT Director
  • System Analyst & Designer


System Design and Programming

Study fees


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