Business Management is an international programme that focuses on all the key aspects of modern business and organisation management. The programme is taught by teachers both from Poland and abroad, who use active teaching methods such as problem-based learning, business simulations and VR. We value technology, hands-on approach, and customisation of studies through 5 specialisation modules, presented below as Career prospects.
The programme aims to develop practical knowledge in the core areas of management, including strategy, marketing, HR, project management, leadership and sustainability. It has a strong innovation and entrepreneurship component, which is strengthened by close cooperation with business partners and a mentoring programme.
The Programme is accredited by International Project Management Association. Students can take the IPMA certification exam and earn a Marketplace Simulations digital badge.
Course leader:
Department of Strategic Management
profesor nadzwyczajny, Menedżer kierunku Business Menagement,
block B, room 116
Recruitment of Polish citizens with certificates or diplomas obtained abroad:
Recruitment of Polish citizens with certificates or diplomas obtained abroad:
Senat Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu wyraża zgodę na przyznanie uprawnień laureatom i finalistom olimpiad przedmiotowych przy ubieganiu się o przyjęcie na studia w latach 2019-2022 według konkretnych zasad.
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Student profiles
The graduate will be prepared to take on entrepreneurial and managerial roles in both businesses and non-profit organisations, with a thorough understanding of how to manage people and tasks to achieve organisational goals. They will have developed strong competences in innovation, strategy, marketing, HR and sustainability, and will be equipped to assume managerial positions in organisations of their choosing.
Career prospects
- Digital Marketer
- HR Business Partner
- Innovation and Start-ups Leader
- Marketing Communications Specialist
- Project and Process Manager
- Team Leader
Digital Marketer
After the Internet, social media and mobile revolution, the digital market has become one of the pillars of today’s economy. Within the module’s courses, students will learn how to integrate different digital media, create marketing content, and develop digital campaigns; as well as how to do social media planning. The application of the gained knowledge, skills and competences will help future managers in forming a digital marketing plan to manage digital marketing performance efficiently.
Courses making up this specialisation module:
- Social Media Management
- User Experience
- Market Intelligence
- Agile Marketing
HR Business Partner
This specialisation prepares students to become an HR Business Partner in various organisations, by developing skills such as recruitment, employee development, coaching/ mentoring and performance appraisal.
The module enhances students’ competencies by developing skills, knowledge, and attitudes that are most needed to perform the work of an HR Business Partner.
Courses making up this specialisation module:
- AC/DC Simulation
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Employee Development and Performance Appraisal
- Labour Law in Case Studies
Innovation and Start-ups Leader
This specialisation is designed for students who are interested in market innovation and creativity or are considering starting their own business.
It provides knowledge on the creation of innovative business ideas that are tailored to the needs of changing markets. Students will learn how to establish an innovative start-up, manage the process of generating and commercialising business ideas and how to obtain funds. Completing the module will help you start your own business or become an innovation broker or manager.
Courses making up this specialisation module:
- Creativity Management
- Start-up Academy
- Business Model Innovation
- Business Plan
Marketing Communications Specialist
Marketing communication is a fundamental part of any company’s marketing efforts. This specialisation provides students with the skills needed to develop and execute purposeful and effective communication strategies and tactics.
This module is designed to provide both a broad view on meaningful and intentional communication with different stakeholders, as well as specific guidelines related to creating distinctive and appealing branding.
Courses making up this specialisation module:
- Branding and Brand Strategy
- Strategic Narratives
- Stakeholder and Community Relations
- Merchandising
Project and Process Manager
Processes and projects of various types are present in all organisations, and it’s quite common for young people’s managerial careers to start with the position of a process manager or a project manager.
This module teaches the skills necessary to begin working with processes and projects, with a particular focus on methods and tools for process mapping and development, process optimisation, project and portfolio management, as well as managing project teams.
Courses making up this specialisation module:
- Business Process Modelling
- Lean Management
- Project Budgeting and Controlling
- Strategic Project Management