Finance is a full-time Bachelor’s degree programme delivered in English. The Bachelor in Finance programme is run according to global financial standards and is designed for students who want to discover the world of finance. In addition to basic subjects, such as economics, management, law, mathematics, statistics, information technology, the programme includes courses in the field of corporate finance, banking, insurance, financial market, real estate, financial reporting and risk analysis. During the course of studies, students not only gain the theoretical knowledge but also acquire qualifications enabling career in the enterprise and on the financial market. The programmme is advanced, therefore the students easily find internship programmes during their studies and employment after graduation. The programme is chosen by international students. The courses are run both by Polish and international professors and lecturers.
Course leader:
dr hab. Magdalena Chmielowiec-Lewczuk, prof. UEW
Department of Insurance
block Z, room 405
Recruitment of Polish citizens with certificates or diplomas obtained abroad:
Recruitment of Polish citizens with certificates or diplomas obtained abroad:
Senat Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu wyraża zgodę na przyznanie uprawnień laureatom i finalistom olimpiad przedmiotowych przy ubieganiu się o przyjęcie na studia w latach 2019-2022 według konkretnych zasad.
The graduate of Bachelor in Finance has a professional knowledge in the area of finance (including accounting and financial reporting), financial risk management and financial decision making. He/she knows how the financial institutions (including banks, insurance companies, investment funds and pension funds), companies and public institutions function.
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Student profiles
The graduate of Bachelor in Finance has a professional knowledge in the area of finance (including accounting and financial reporting), financial risk management and financial decision making. He/she knows how the financial institutions (including banks, insurance companies, investment funds and pension funds), companies and public institutions function. He/she is able to analyze basic economic processes and entities in macroeconomic and microeconomic level, as well as to analyze financial condition of company and household. He/she understands causes, effects and relations of economic and financial processes in market economy. He/she has knowledge of the processes in global financial markets. He/she can identify risks and is able to make decisions leading to the acceptable level of risk. He/she is able to identify and analyze different sources of financial data. He/she has knowledge of English on the B2 level and is able to communicate in professional specialized level in finance. After completing the programme he/she can pass CFA Level 1 and 2 exam, CIMA exams and most ACCA exams. He/she is prepared to work in financial institutions, financial departments of companies as well as in multinational companies, including working abroad. He/she is prepared to study for Master degree.
Career prospects
- Financial advisor
- Financial manager
- Financial analyst
- Risk manager
- Real-estate appraiser
Financial Management
Financial Management is focused on corporate finance, cost and managerial accounting and strategic management, which allows students to choose a career paths either in auditing and financial management (in Wroclaw, e.g. Deloitte, Ernst & Young) or in financial divisions of non-financial firms (e.g. Hewlett-Packard). This specialization relates closely to CIMA certifications. It offers two courses:
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Elements of Financial Institution Management
At Financial Management students will be provided with specialized knowledge about: (1) corporate finance with major focus on analysis, preparation and evaluation of risk management from the perspective of an enterprise and (2) an operational focus of a financial institution management.
Financial Market
Financial market allows students to expand and deepen their knowledge of forecasting, trading, financial valuation, investment analysis and financial risk analysis, preparing them to work in related positions, typically at stock exchanges or other financial institutions (Wroclaw-based examples include Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Credit Agricole, Bank New York Mellon). This specialization is closely related to the CFA certifications. It has two courses:
- Personal Finance
- Risk Management in Financial Markets
Personal Finance refers to the decisions which individuals take about spending, financing and investing to optimize their financial situation. During the course there will be developed financial plans which intend to achieve specified financial goals.
Risk Management in Financial Markets offers an introduction to risk theory, gives some basic knowledge and skills in financial risk management, with particular focus on market risk measurement, includes some elements of market risk steering (mitigating) and introduces elements of basic knowledge on other types of financial risk (credit, operational).
[12:34] Sławomir Dalidowicz
At Fintech students will be provided with specialized knowledge about new information technologies that are applicable in the financial world, in financial institutions, their business activities and the sale of financial products and the data are processed, with a focus on the use of specific application techniques, methods and instruments.